The general areas of priority include:

  • building on the University's reputation for making a unique and significant contribution to the educational success of Māori;
  • enhancing the teaching and research capacity of Māori academic staff, with a focus on leadership and academic excellence;
  • providing a distinctive University of Waikato experience for both staff and students which draws on kaupapa Māori and the heritage of our region;
  • positioning the University as a leader in research relevant to the needs and aspirations of iwi and Māori communities.

As reflected in our Charter and Vision, the University has been committed to the Treaty of Waitangi from the outset. We are determined to build on this commitment and on our reputation as a leader in partnership with Māori - to further enhance the relevance and value of the University to Māori communities and to the nation as a whole.

Further information is available on the Māori ki Waikato website.