Regulations for the Certificate of Attainment in English Language (CertAttainEngLang)


  1. There are no formal prerequisites for admission to the Certificate of Attainment in English Language.
  2. Admission to the Certificate is subject to the approval of the Head of the University of Waikato College.
  3. The level at which admission to the Certificate is approved will be determined by the Head of the University of Waikato College and will depend on the student’s proficiency in written and spoken English.

Requirements for the Certificate

  1. The Certificate of Attainment in English Language is taught at three levels. Every candidate must enrol in the University of Waikato College and may complete one or more levels in sequence. The programme of study for each level comprises 43 points. Candidates will receive a Certificate of Attainment for each level passed.
  2. Candidates who gain the required 43 points at Levels 1-3 will be awarded the Certificate of Attainment in English Language.
  3. The prescription for each level of study for the Certificate is prescribed in the College Programmes entry in the Subject Regulations.
  4. The programme of every candidate is subject to the approval of the Head of the University of Waikato College.
  5. Every candidate must complete to the satisfaction of the Academic Board such class work, practical work, assignments, tests, and oral and written examinations as may be required.