Examination procedures

Examinations at the University of Waikato are held under strict regulations, and failure to follow these rules may result in students being subject to disciplinary proceedings. Read more information on what is and isn't permitted in Examinations on the Examinations & procedures page.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are prohibited in any examination and it is a concession to date by the Examination staff, that rather than requiring mobile telephones to be left outside the room (where they could not be kept securely), they may instead be rendered incapable of making a sound and kept in bags at the front of the room or on the desk behind you. A mobile phone that makes a sound during an examination breaches the Assessment Regulations and a discipline complaint will be made.

If there is also a suspicion of cheating, this complaint is referred directly to the Student Discipline Committee and may result in a penalty on the examination.

Unauthorised Materials

It is prohibited to take any materials into an examination unless it is an open book or restricted examination. If you are found with unauthorised materials, such as study notes, blank paper, or cheat notes you may be referred to a discipline hearing. A finding of misconduct will result in penalties ranging from a formal warning or a fine, to a penalty on the examination or the paper.

If there is also a suspicion of cheating, this complaint is referred directly to the Student Discipline Committee and may result in a penalty on the examination.