Papers (courses) from the University of Waikato Postgraduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching and Learning are available as custom-designed courses for groups of participants engaged in tertiary level teaching/facilitation of learning, subject to minimum group numbers. Papers can be offered at the University of Waikato or at a location convenient for your group.

Groups of participants who meet English entrance eligibility requirements can enrol for the PGCert in Tertiary Teaching and Learning and complete the qualification, which comprises four elective 15-point papers.

Alternatively, papers are also available as stand-alone professional development courses. Usually, each paper is offered as a period of online learning combined with an intensive block session of one to two weeks.

The following papers are available:

TERTL500 Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Tertiary Education

This is an "umbrella" paper, which provides a firm foundation for all other papers offered in the PGCert Tertiary Teaching and Learning. The paper challenges and broadens conceptions of learning and approaches to teaching.  Using a literature-informed but activity and discussion-based approach, this paper focuses on key theories of teaching and learning as well as principles and methods of assessment to support both conceptual and skill development.

TERTL501 Integrating Kaupapa Māori Across Programmes

This paper provides an introduction to Kaupapa Māori as an indigenous knowledge framework, and encourages examination and evaluation of existing learning programmes in terms of bi-cultural integration.

TERTL502 Work-Integrated Learning

Drawing on cooperative education theories, this paper introduces participants to the key features of work-integrated learning (WIL) curricula and elements of embedding employability in the courses they teach. It enables participants to design and implement learning activities relevant to WIL, as well as to evaluate and assess learning, skills, and competencies associated with work-integrated learning in a teaching context.

TERTL503 Blended/Online Learning

This paper outlines theoretical models and ways of implementing blended and fully online learning in a tertiary context. The paper is based on experiential learning pedagogy and gives learners experiences and competencies to facilitate and design effective blended and online learning activities for students.

TERTL504 Supervising Postgraduate Students

This paper aims to introduce participants to current research and practical perspectives of the epistemology of postgraduate student supervision. Discussion topics may include models of supervision, different models of the thesis, specific issues in the supervision of international students, transferable skills beyond the postgraduate degree, and postgraduate qualifications within an international context.

TERTL505 Inclusive Learning Environments and Approaches

This paper examines how inclusion can be improved and assured in higher education settings. Inclusion here covers responses to diversity in race, economic status, social class, ethnicity, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation and ability. Participants will examine their own perspectives and experiences in the context of relevant theory, and will engage in initiatives to improve inclusive education.

TERTL506 Curriculum and Course Design

This paper enables participants to think deeply about curriculum design at both programme and course levels, informed by contemporary educational theories and models of instructional design.  The paper provides opportunities for participants to confidently design, develop, and implement a course relevant to their field.

TERTL507 Facilitating Learning in Small Group Contexts

This paper enables participants to apply theories and strategies related to effective facilitation of small group learning to their own practice.

TERTL508 Assessment

This paper enables participants to contextualise principles, forms and methods of assessment in relation to relevant trends and theories, relating this to their own practice. The paper provides opportunities for participants to design, implement and evaluate improvements to assessment in their teaching situations.

TERTL509 Digital Literacy for Teaching and Learning

This paper explores concepts and elements of digital literacy, within an overall concept of literacy, identifying those which are important and relevant in participants’ own disciplines and teaching contexts.

TERTL510 Internationalising Learning and Teaching

This paper encourages participants to engage with literature on internationalisation of teaching and learning and contextualise their own ideas, experiences and practices from this perspective. Through integrated examination of theory and practice, the paper aims to explore the question of what kind of education we need to provide to enable students to live and work well in a globalised world.

TERTL511 English-Medium Instruction (EMI) in Higher Education Teaching

This paper examines principles and practices of English-medium instruction (EMI), focusing particularly on settings where students (and/or lecturers) are using English as a second or foreign language.

TERTL512 Current Trends in Global Higher Education and their Impact

This paper provides an outline of the main trends in global higher education, considering how they impact tertiary institutions in general and our own professional positions and practices in particular.

TERTL513 Researching Learning and Teaching Practice

In this paper, participants identify an aspect of teaching and learning practice to research, and design and implement a small-scale project. Participants are also expected to evaluate their project and disseminate the findings of their research as part of this paper.

TERTL515 Pacific Pedagogies for Tertiary Teachers and Learners

This paper allows the participant to better identify pathways of success for Pacific learners, through an introduction to Pacific pedagogies which can be utilised to assist them design better learning experiences for their students.

For further details on the PGCert Tertiary Teaching and Learning, please contact the Programme Administrator

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