Activities and resources provide interactivity and content to a paper. Activities, such as Forums or Quizzes, are something that students can interact with, while Resources, such as Files or Pages, can be added by teachers to support student learning.

  1. Toggle Edit mode on using the button on the top-right corner of your paper.
  2. Select Add an activity or resource at the bottom right of the relevant topic or week.
  3. This opens the Add an activity or resource menu. Select the item that you want to add. To view only activities or resources, click the Activities tab or Resources tab at the top of the menu. You can also use the Search box above the tabs.

    You can select the star icon under a type of activity or resource (e.g. Quiz in the image above), then select the Fav tab at the top of the activities menu to see favourite items.

  4. Once you select an item, a context-specific settings window will open.

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