If students fail to complete a compulsory assessment item, use the code IC (incomplete)

When an IC is recorded against any assessment in Moodle, the student will fail the paper and an IC will be recorded as their final grade.

Compulsory items are marked on the Paper Outline. Compulsory means that students will fail the paper if they do not submit the assessment.

  1. In your Moodle paper, select the Grades tab.
  2. Click on the Grader report, then select IC Report from the drop-down list.
  3. Select IC from the drop-down box under the relevant assignment, and to the right of the student you want to give the IC for.

    Changes in this tab are saved automatically.

  4. An email will be scheduled to notify the student once an IC has been given, as illustrated below.


These scheduled emails are sent at 5am each day.  If you remove the IC before 5am the following day, the email will not be sent.


The IC status only appears in the IC Report tab and the grade export - it does not appear on the Grader Report tab.