View a Turnitin/Feedback Studio rubric before submitting your assignment

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  1. Go to your Moodle paper, then select the assignment that you are submitting to.
  2. Towards the top left, select Add submission.
  3. Before submitting your assignment, on the left of the page select View the Rubric used for marking.
  4. The Rubric will open as a pop-up. You will probably need to use the scroll bars to see the whole Rubric. To close, select the X at the top right of the pop-up.
  5. When you are ready, submit your assignment.
  6. Finally, select Save Changes.


View a Moodle rubric before submitting your assignment

If your teacher has attached a Moodle rubric to the assignment (rather than a Turnitin rubric), you should be able to view it by simply selecting the assignment (step 1 above). Your rubric will be at the bottom of the page under Grading criteria.