Te Whatu Kairangi Aotearoa Tertiary Educator Awards (NTTEA) is held annually by Ako Aotearoa: National Centre for Teaching Excellence. Those successful at the Divisional Teaching Excellence Awards (DTEA) will be considered to be nominated by the University for Te Whatu Kairangi.

Te Whatu Kairangi’s aim is to recognise and encourage excellence in tertiary education, at a national level.

If you would like further information about this national teaching award, please see Te Whatu Kairangi Aotearoa Tertiary Educator Awards.

You can also contact cettladmin@waikato.ac.nz, and a member of our teaching development team will get back to you.

Previous Recipients


Dr Nick Munn, Senior Lecturer, Philosophy Programme (Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching)


AProf Kirstine Moffat, English Programme (Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching)


Dr Donella Cobb, Senior Lecturer, School of Education (Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching)


Dr Te Taka Keegan(Waikato-Maniapoto, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Whakaaue), Senior Lecturer, Computer Science (Prime Minister’s Supreme Award for Excellence in Tertiary Teaching)


Ēnoka Murphy, Pūkenga, Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao, School of Maori and Pacific Development (Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching in a Kaupapa Māori Context)


Dr Sophie Nock, Senior Lecturer, School of Maori and Pacific Development (Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching in a Kaupapa Māori Context)

Chris Brough, Senior Tutor, Faculty of Education (Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching)


Dr Mary Fitzpatrick, Senior Lecturer, Waikato Management School (Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching)

AProf Sandra Morrison, Senior Lecturer, School of Maori and Pacific Development (Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching in a Kaupapa Māori Context)


Dr Alison Campbell, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Science and Engineering (Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching)

Te Kahautu Maxwell, Senior Lecturer, School of Maori and Pacific Development (inaugural recipient in the category Kaupapa Māori)


Dr Diane Johnson, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching)


Dr Steven Lim, Senior Lecturer, Waikato Management School (Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching)


Prof Roger Moltzen, Faculty of Education (Prime Minister's Supreme Award)


Dr Michele Akoorie, Waikato Management School


Dr Delwyn Clark, Waikato Management School

Merilyn Taylor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Russell Yates, Faculty of Education

Dr Bill Ussher, Faculty of Education